Wednesday, July 30, 2008 again with the suckage...but I do have some stuff to share.

I was in the running for a Team Leader job at work....and I honestly thought I completely and utterly bombed it...BUT turns out I was only 2.5 marks away from passing. I went for my individual feedback and we super poured over the exam to try and find those 2.5 marks....we found 1/2 mark BUT the last 2 were not to be found....**sigh** I lost out by 2 little teenie tiny marks...booohooo.

Now...on to serious things...seriously....why oh why...WHY do periods have to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin painful???? UH I cannot believe it right now!!! I never went through this BEFORE I had what up? It is like an evil, cruel, monster jumping into my body and torturing it...(poor body - it cannot get to my mind, cuz I think I lost that back in grade 8 or 9).....please please please make it stop....oh and why do they say MEN are the stronger sex anyway....can any of THEM bleed for a week and still live??? I don't think so.....but don't tempt this state I am up for a challenge....MEN...any takers???????....yah so like I git the whole "cleansing your system thing" but who asked ME if I wanted it cleaned out? I'm good....maybe I want to clean it out when I'm good and than my mom telling me to clean my room....and WHY do we crave salt and chocolate when our "friend" comes to town (okay I crave those on any good day anyway...but I'm rambling here....) I always know it is coming on when I need need need SALT and CHOCOLATE...and yes even together.

....and speaking of working PEEVED am I to read this stupid study that some stupid scientists decided they needed to the half hour power circuit that I do with the kids apparently does NOTHING to help me lose weight!!!! Oh sure it helps with the fitness level...but who cares about that???? So we apparently need a minimum of 55 minutes 5 days a week!!!! WHO ASKED THEM ANYWAY?????????

Right...sorry about that...I think I feel better now....I gotta....go wash something.


PrincessButtercup said...

How dare you say that you have nothing to blog...that is SO bloggable! Indeed, I have suffered since 12 with the most painful 5 days every 24 days. I feel your pain. There are times when the pain is so blinding that I feel the need to sleep and do nothing, but I have all this DNA running around that belongs to me that I can't ever get a flex day for that even. Oh indeed the "stronger sex" does NOT have to endure this OR the pushing out of a watermelon through a lemon sized hole ;) which for obvious reasons is on MY brain right this minute.

Unknown said...

My husband, after seeing Warren being born, does NOT think that men are the stronger sex!
Today's comment is brought to you by the word: firtnosy
No kidding!!! HAHAHAHAHA